Extract the top stories from HackerNews

Hacker News, backed by Y Combinator, is a popular news website for people who love tech, developers, and business startups to talk and learn about the latest in tech, AI, and programming. It's often one of our first tabs to refresh every morning!

This prebuilt workflow helps you quickly keep up with the latest postings on Hacker News. It picks the top stories for you, giving you a short update on the most important news, including the titles, where they're from, and links to read more.

Once you've set up the workflow, you can easily send the news into tools like Google Sheets, Airtable or Slack. This lets you easily keep track of trends, analyze them, and share what you find.

Using Jsonify to get notifications and news feeds from Hacker News makes it easy and efficient to stay up to the minute on the fast-moving world of tech. It's a simple and effective way to connect with the tech world.

You provide the following:

  • An (optional) filter — by default we extract all stories, but you can easily add an AI-powered filter!

Jsonify extracts these details for you:

  • News story

  • URL

  • Posted by

  • The number of points