Extract and organize data from entertainment-related pages on Ranker.com

Ranker.com is a website that focuses on entertainment, providing various lists and rankings on different topics. To simplify the process of gathering and organizing data from Ranker.com, Jsonify offers a prebuilt workflow.

With this workflow, you can extract structured data from entertainment-related pages on Ranker.com. The extracted data includes information such as the name of the item, its ranking, and other relevant details. You can export this data to a spreadsheet, save it directly to Google Sheets or Airtable, or integrate it into custom workflows using API integration.

To use this workflow, you need to provide a list of URLs of the entertainment-related pages on Ranker.com that you want to extract data from.

Jsonify extracts the following information for you:

- Name of the item

- Ranking

- Other relevant details