Privacy Policy

At SmartBot, we take your privacy seriously.

Privacy Policy

At SmartBot, we take your privacy seriously.

Privacy Policy

At SmartBot, we take your privacy seriously.

EFFECTIVE AS OF 24th Nov, 2023

General Terms

When you use Jsonify’s products, you’re trusting us to handle your personal information with care. We take that trust seriously. This Privacy Policy describes how we collect, use, and protect your personal information.

When we refer to our products in this Privacy Policy, we’re referring to all of our products and services, including our apps, websites, and software.

We don’t and will not sell your data.

We offer a free product and hope you’ll purchase one of our paid products. That’s how we make money.

When you sign up for and use our products, we process your account and—if applicable—payment information. This will include your name and email address. This information is encrypted.

We also reserve the right to occasionally use your name, logo and usecase for publicity purposes — pitch decks, demo day slides, and the like. You'll be represented as a Jsonify user to highlight fun uses of the platform.

To provide you with data suggestions, we process your text and usage data to solely improve customer-facing features. We do not save or store the content of your emails nor the header information.

We use a small number of trusted third parties to help provide our products - Google Analytics, OpenAI, Google Authentication and Amazon Web Services.

Jsonify’s use and transfer to any other app of information received from Google APIs will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.

We access external services like Google Sheets and Airtable to:

  • Read information like lists of URLs (only from lists created by Jsonify)

  • Write information like outputs from data workflows (only to lists created by Jsonify)

    Please note that any input data (URLs, queries, etc) you add to a Google Sheet or Airtable input node may be sent to upstream AI partners such as OpenAI.

    We only do this with your consent, after you have linked your Google account and set up a Sheet data source in the UI.

We only read and write where you've given us explicit permission by linking your account and then creating a resource in the account, and these accounts can be unlinked at any point. We will never — and indeed, cannot — read, delete or overwrite unauthorized personal data in your account.

When linking Google, we also request your email so that we can set the name of your account, to make it easier to maintain multiple account links.

See also:

Chrome Extension

We prioritize your privacy and strive to be transparent about how we handle your data. Below, we outline the types of information we collect with the Chrome extension, how we use it, and under what circumstances we share it.

1. What Information Do We Collect?

  • Automatically Collected Information:

    • Server and HTTP Logs: We collect information such as IP addresses, browser types, referring pages, pages visited, and timestamps through server and HTTP logs.

    • Usage Data: Data on how you interact with our extension, such as features used and duration of use, is automatically collected.

    • Data Transmitted by the Extension: Information that the extension sends to our servers, which may include usage statistics, error reports, and other diagnostic data.

  • User-Provided Information:

    • Current Tab Session Data: With your explicit consent, we collect information about your current tab session, including the URL and cookies associated with that tab. This data is imported into the Jsonify cloud dashboard to enhance AI functionalities. No browsing history or other data is collected.

2. How Do We Use the Information?

  • Providing Services: The primary use of the collected data is to provide and improve our services. The current tab session data allows the AI to understand and interact with the content of your active tab, thereby allowing the user to build a data extraction system in the dashboard.

3. What Information Do We Share?

  • Service Providers: As above, we may share collected data with third-party service providers who assist us in operating our services, provided they comply with our privacy standards and obligations.

  • Legal Requirements: We may disclose your information if required to do so by law or in response to valid requests by public authorities.

  • User Consent: We will share your data with third parties only when we have your explicit consent to do so.

4. User Control and Data Retention

  • Opt-In and Opt-Out: Users have full control over whether to share their current tab session data. You can opt-in to share this data by clicking the button in the extension, and can also remove it from the jsonify cloud dashboard at any time.

  • Data Access and Deletion: Users can access, change, or delete their data by navigating to the settings in the dashboard or by contacting our support team.

  • Data Retention: We retain your data only as long as necessary to provide our services and for legitimate business purposes. You can request deletion of your data at any time.

5. Information Security We implement robust security measures to protect your data from unauthorized access, alteration, or disclosure. However, no method of transmission over the Internet or electronic storage is completely secure, so we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

By using our extension, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this privacy policy. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at


You can exercise your region-specific rights (like GDPR and CCPA rights). Contact


If you have any questions or concerns about this policy at